Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Franktown Seventh-day Adventist Church


Bible Study

The Sacrifice and the Grace of the Sanctuary

The Transfer of Sin: Understanding Forgiveness

Understanding the Sanctuary | Episode 1| "Dealing with Sin"

The *REAL* Reason People Are So Angry Today!

Behold, I Am Coming Quickly!! **How Soon Is Soon?**

No More Tears!! No More Death!

Satan Locked Up For 1,000 Years!

The Beginning of the End

Come Out Of Her My People

War With The Lamb

The Plagues and Armageddon *what is this?*

What's The Deal With Gods Wrath??

The Three Angels Messages *Movie*

The Mark of the Beast: What Is This?

Rev. 13--A Beast of a Study *Part 1*

Understanding the words "FEAR GOD" *not what you thought!*

The Great Controversy Between Good and Evil

Who Are Revelation's Two Witnesses? *MORE symbols in Revelation!*

Eating a Book??

What Are These Two Trumpets in Revelation 9??

The Seventh Seal and the Trumpets of Revelation: What Is This??

Who are the 144,000? Symbolic or real?

Tombstone Movie Quote In Revelation! *What Does It Mean?*

Jesus Has The Power! | Revelation Chapter 5

A Biblical View Into The Throne Of Heaven! | Revelation Chapter 4

Dead, Faithful, and Lukewarm | Revelation Chapter 3

The Church Thermometer | Revelation Chapter 2

I've Got Questions | Revelation Chapter 1

6 Myths About The VIRGIN MARY You Need To Know

It's Time For A Comeback!

When Will People Stop Killing Each Other?

Hamas, Taylor Swift, Halloween...and hope?

Will Everyone Be Saved? Do All Roads Lead To The Same Place?

5 FACTS About ANGELS That Will SURPRISE You!!!

The Biblical Truth About UFO's and ALIENS

Were Sabbath Worship and Unclean Foods Nailed to the Cross?

Is Kobe Bryant's Spirit Contacting People?

Is your spiritual life like a warm soda? #bible #prophecy #revelation

Who is Laodicea? What Does It Mean To Be Lukewarm?

What Does The Bible Say About My Identity?

Bible Advice on Dating

Miscarriage: Will My Baby Be In Heaven?

The Most Dangerous Sin (Pride)

How To Live When Facing Death

Adultery: Does God Even Care?

The Verse Most People Get Wrong...

Has Love Replaced Doctrine? Or are the two inseparable?

The Mark of the Beast: What You *NEED* To Know! (3rd Angels Message)

Who Is Babylon In The Bible? *The 2nd Angels Message*

Is Your Church Ignoring These Angels Messages? *You Need to Know These!*

Is Pornography A Big Deal?

Will There Be Marriage In Heaven?

What If We Didn't Need Abortion? with John Bradshaw

What Does The Bible Really Say About Cremation?

Is baptizing babies Biblical? Should we be baptized for the dead?

Is Alcohol In God's Plan For Our Lives? What About Moderate Drinking?

CBS Tweets It is Ready to Worship With Satanic Song at the Grammys

Have We Messed Up Love?

Is It Possible That There Is A God?

Witchcraft and Spiritualism for Christians?

Is Theistic Evolution Really a Possibility? (Many Christians Believe It Is!)

What Will Heaven Be Like? (You might be surprised!)

The Most Misunderstood Verse About Death in the Bible

False Predictions and the Truth About the End

Biblical Keys To Controlling Your Anger

Is Climate Change In The Bible?

How Should Christians Interact in Political Discussions?

Will My Pet Be In Heaven?

Is Tradition As Inspired as the Bible?

Was Peter the First Pope?

Is There A Wrong Way To Pray?

5 Bible Verses for Handling Fear

The Biggest Conspiracy Of All Time

Biblical Parenting for Today

Who Is In Heaven Right Now? (you might be surprised)

Two Men Named Lazarus: Life After Death?

Is the Seventh-day Adventist Church A Cult?

Why We Should Stop Saying "My Truth."

Christians And Dancing? What Dancing Is In The Bible?

The Silver and the Sabbath

God and the Scientific Revolution

Did Jesus Give Clues About The End Of Days?

How Can I Know If I Am Really Saved?

What Exactly Is The Mark Of The Beast?

Revealing the First Beast of Revelation 13

Exact Proof That Bible Prophecy Is Accurate

Why I'm Not Afraid Of The Judgment

End Times Shown to Daniel--What It Means

Daniel 2: Essential To Understand For Everyone!

Absolute Proof That Bible Prophecy Is Real

The Secret Rapture: What They Didn't Tell You

Can You Speak To Your Dead Relatives?

How Can I Know If I Am Forgiven?

Gift of the Spirit: Speaking In Tongues?

Is The Sabbath Relevant Today?

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

Do Christians Who Commit Suicide Go To Heaven?

5 Things About Hell That They Never Told You

What Happens When We Die?

A Simple Explanation of the Trinity

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